September 22, 2010

To My Husband

Today is a random day - September 22nd. It  holds no special meaning to me, no one's birthday, no anniversary, no holiday, nothing. Well - actually, it's the last day of summer - so that is somewhat disappointing.  But I wanted to say today, on some random day  that I love you Bryan.  Though some days, I completely dislike you - there isn't a day that I don't miss you or a day that I don't wish you home sooner. I know you don't hear it enough, or I don't say it enough, but  it's there (sometimes buried very deep ) but I love you. And I am glad we have each other to lean on when we need it. 

You make me happier than I ever thought I could be and if you let me I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way. 

- Friends



  1. Thank you for this blog. It made my eye's start to fill up. LOVE YOU WIFE.

  2. Love that you can support and affirm your husband when so many seem to think it is OK to always lambaste them.

  3. Aw!

    This is the second pro-husband post I've read this morning. It's inspired me to call my own and tell him something nice for once instead of bossing him around, lol!

  4. This is so beautiful! There is no better time to say I love you, like a random day. Now it's not so random anymore, it's special.

  5. I truly love this! Every day is the best and any day better then none.
    Being in a long distance relation and moving over to the USA I will follow you as I have to learn so much about shopping, couponing etc. Integrating into a complete new world for me.

  6. So cute! It's nice to read positive posts too.

  7. this was so incredibly moving and sweet. What a beautiful way to say I love you. I love that quote from Friends...I hope one day to find someone who will say that to me.

  8. That is so sweet. My husband is coming home today after 2 1/2 weeks abroad and I can't wait to wrap my arms around him!

    Following from Blog Frog.

  9. Aww, such a beautiful post! And that Friends quote is one of my absolute favorites.

    Stopping by from Follow Friday! :)

  10. this is so sweet and beautiful ♥

    just letting you know I'm a new follower of your blog from the blog hop.

  11. Oh my gosh this is sooooooooo mushy I might just... say Awwww! (you thought I was going to puke, right?)

    Serioulsly though, I love your blog and your concept. We need more LOVE in this world :)

