September 22, 2010

Moyers in Namibia: As We Prepare...

My best friend and her husband are preparing to leave for Africa in a few weeks. I wanted to support her and have everyone check their blog out. Julie is one of the most amazing people I know. Her strength and dedication to God and to her cause inspires me to be a better version of myself. She is witty, kind, and a wonderful friend. She is someone that I will always call my best friend, regardless of the distance (or continents!) apart we are.

Please read and follow her as her and her husband, Mark, venture forth and make a difference in the world.

Moyers in Namibia: As We Prepare...: "It is amazing to us that we are leaving for Africa in 5 weeks to begin our 8-month mission trip through the Africa Inland Mission! As each ..."

Much love and happiness to you guys!!!


  1. Kara!! YOU are an amazing friend as well. I am completely honored to be mentioned in your blog! It seems funny to blog about a blog. :) I love you so much and will miss you your fam terribly while I am gone. So happy we have the type of relationship that we will always be best friends- no matter if we are worlds apart. HUGS!

  2. You're going to Africa on an 8-month mission trip!? That's amazing. :)

    Be safe, and be sure to write about it - it'll be life-changing, for sure.
