September 27, 2010

Fantasy Magic and Fun in your living room

On rainy days like this, there is nothing I would rather do then sit around with my husband and watch movies.     The Not so perfect House wife is giving away a Disney movie called The Black Cauldron.
 Giving away a movie?!  Oh the thought of winning it and watching it today makes my heart flutter!
 Celebrating the 25th anniversary of the movie, Disney re-released it on DVD.  I vaguely remember watching with my younger brother, but I am tempted now to go and rent it to relive my childhood!I  Stop by Not So Perfect Housewife's site and check it out!Signature


  1. Oh my goodness!! What an ADORABLE blog you have. LOVE IT!!

    Thanks for coming by my blog! Looking forward to following you now.

    Good luck on the giveaway!

  2. I remember this movie....its been forever since I've watched it. lol I loved Gurgi!

    I received this blog award today and I'm paying it forward to you :) I hope you'll pay it forward as well :)
