November 23, 2010

Lullaby music for the dog and giveaway

We don't have a baby in the house...though some mornings it feels like it.  Our dog (6 year old Shistzu) sleeps downstairs.  We take her out right before we head for bed, and she often snuggles into the blanket.  But somewhere around 2am - she is at the bottom of the stairs whining and crying.  

Sometimes we ignore it. 

Sometimes it is hard to.  

Three nights ago, all she wanted was my husband and I to sit with her. When I walked down the stairs at 3:17AM (47 minutes of whimpering) She jumped and ran around in circles. I thought she needed to go out. NO. She ran to the couch, hopped up and waited. So I sat down - exhausted.  She hopped onto my lap and curled up into a ball. Seriously?  When did we adopt a baby?  

Last night, she whimpered and whined as soon as I went upstairs. So I went down stairs, picked her up - tucked her in (yes. it is pathetic) and pet her for about five minutes.  She fell asleep, and I went upstairs.  This morning, at 4:55am, she was at the bottom of the stairs again. I rolled over, and woke up husband up and told him it was his turn...and doesn't this make you want to put off children? haha.

Enter Cradle Rock, a series of children's lullaby albums.  They turn iconic songs into sleep-friendly listening melodies.  

I was sent Cradle Rock: Country (Kenny Chesney's "No Shoes, No Diaper, Might Be  Problem), Cradle Rock Pop (Michael Jackson's "Thrillaby"), and another Cradle Rock: Country (Johnny Cash's "I Crawl the Line") to review. There are more albums in production, including U2’s “The Joshua Sleep Tree,” Black Eyed Peas’ “Sleep-pea Hits” as well as lullaby albums inspired by Nickelback, Carrie Underwood and The Eagles. (I would love to hear the Eagles!)

Even if our dog wasn't going to sleep through the night, I was!  I found myself putting on the one of Johnny Cash, and falling asleep myself.  It was so good and soothing! 

 Being a Michael Jackson fan, I was excited to hear the lullaby version of this cd.  I couldn't fathom how Thriller would be...because after looking at the playlist - it was on there! Silly Me. There are no words :) But it didn't stop me from singing along anyway.....and doing the dance (in slow motion) I decided that Michael Jackson should not be played for bedtime, as I did more singing and dancing - then snoring.  I reserve this disc for when I have to grade, and need some soothing tunes. 

 I did eventurally pass these cds on to my good friend (she had a 3 month old) and she has told me more than once, she comes home and finds her huband playing the part is?  The baby isn't even there. It is her husband listening to it!!  Perhaps not only does it work on dogs and babies, but grown men?

Giveaway: One of you will win the Cradle Rock cd of your choice! 

To enter: If your email is not visible in your profile, you must leave it with your comment. Winner will be announced on this post and will be emailed. Winner will have 48 hours to respond to giveaway notification or a new winner will be selected. Open to US and Canada. Contest will close at 9pm EST 12/2.

Mandatory entry:
Visit Cradle Rock and tell me which cd you would choose if you win.
*Follow One Plus One Equals Love on Google Friend and POST a comment that you follow :)

Additional entries: Must leave a separate comment for each entry.

*Follow @treetoprecords on twitter and leave twitter name

*Like Treetop Records on facebook and leave username

*Like One PLus One Equals Love on facebook(you can do this in my sidebar) and leave your username

*Follow OnePlusOneEqualsLove on twitter and leave your twitter name

*Grab my button and leave comment that you did so!  

Contest Ends December 1st.  

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Happy Listening!


  1. Aww these sound like such good Cds for the little one. I will have to check them out!!

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