November 24, 2010

Budget Me with Fashion

My husband and I are trying to budget our money and save, and not only did we take the Dave Ramsey course (which could be another post in itself) - but we are trying to look over our finances every month to see where we spend our money wastefully.  It seems our biggest problem is our debit card (err…my debit card).  I use this as my life line - and yes, the plus side is you can't spend more than you have....but what if you have all of your money in your account and you just keep spending?!  It could be a disaster.

Thanks to Savvycents, it seems the cash system approach is definitely working for us (me). 

What is Savvycents?

It contains everything you need to organize your monthly or weekly budget using a cash system. With an accordion style file system inside the wallet you can separate money, coupons, receipts or store discount cards by categories. Your wallet comes with file cards where you can label each category with our pre-printed labels. There are also blank labels where you can customize your wallet based on your personal categories. You no longer have to carry envelopes or zip lock bags to separate your money and coupons. Your change will fit nicely in a coin pocket located on the backside of the wallet. 
It also has 6 pockets for debit cards and store discount cards. On the opposite side there is a place for your driver’s license and a place for your checkbook. 

I received this pink wallet to review, and it has been a godsend.  At the start of the month, I withdrew the amount of money we needed for the following "cash paid" items: Groceries, gas, gifts, entertainments, and personal items.  I can see exactly how much we have to spend and when we are starting to dwindle.  Most people use this method of cash envelopes already.  My mother taught me the cash method but with bank envelopes when I got my first job.  Clearly, it didn’t stick – or I wouldn’t have created this debt hell I live in…but everyone lives and learns!
  I like this a little better than the white stuffy envelope because I am not walking around with ten bank slips in my purse. This looks like a wallet, and acts like a wallet.  I tested it out, and it actually is pretty sturdy – I’ve had a ton of wallets that lasted only a few months because they had small holes, or simply made it difficult for me to remove my license and cards when needed.  Once I had a wallet that every time I put change in it, it would disappear – it took me three times to realize that the change was going to an unknown secret space in my wallet, and I had to cut it open to get out the money! 
So far, Savvycents seems to hold everything I need. I like how there are many different compartments – some for credit cards/license, some for coupons and cash.  You really can carry whatever you would like – and it would be super organized.  
I plan on organizing my wallet and get it ready for full maximum usage for Black Friday sales. I will not be held up by my lack of organization, and carrying all my coupons and gift cards around in one container will be great!

Thanks Savvycents for making my cash system a little more fashionable :) 


  1. that is super cute, I bought something similar on etsy, but I am super organized about one thing- my coupons!!!

  2. Great product. I do that with envelopes too, otherwise money ¨disappears¨ TFS.

    Love your blog design!!!
