September 14, 2010

Sisters Grimm won my heart and my time

Little came home with a book last week, and after flipping through it - I decided to read it myself.  The plot was adorable and witty! It covered my favorite subjects from my childhood - fairy tales! (but with a twist).  If you have  child between the ages of 8-12, these books  are definitely worth checking out.  
By the same author who wrote Nerds,   Michael Buckley writes about the misadventures of two sisters, whose family 's past involves magic and mystery.   The series is called "Fairy Tale Detectives: Sisters Grimm", and it involves all the characters from countless fairy tales in an amusing and different light.  Prince Charming? Not so charming. He is the mayor of the town and quite conceited.  Three little pigs? They are obnoxious police officers (gee what a reference!) who are ruled by their stomaches. 
I don't know how someone couldn't love this series, and I  may have scared off Little because I've been raving about how clever I think they are.  I  finished the book in less than an hour, and can't wait for him to take out the second book (there are 6!) The overall idea of the series is that the writings of  the Brothers Grimm were not just tales, but historical books recounting  the  accomplishments of the  Everafters, the characters from fairy tales.  When the Everafters start  to be come uncontrollable, a spell is cast upon them so they are contained to one town - Ferryport Landing, New York.  (ha!). The deal is the Grimm family must oversee the mishaps of the Everafters,  and if/when  the Grimm family no longer exists - only then can the Everafters leave the town.  Each books highlights  a mystery or crime committed by an Everafter, and the Sisters Grimm, with great assistance from their grandma need to solve it! 

I completely  recommend this book series!



  1. Hi! I'm stopping in from Meet Me Monday! :) We'd love if you'd come and check out our blog at:


  2. Hi, I'm your newest follower from Monday blog hop! Lovely Blog. You can find me at

    Love your blog design. CUTE

  3. This sounds like a wonderful series, and will have to check it out!

    Following you through Mingle Monday..

  4. As the mom of an autistic child, I have a special place in my heart for special education teachers :-)

    Stopping by from SITS and so glad that I did. Looking forward to exploring more on your beautifully designed and creative blog!

    Life is a Spectrum
    Latest post: "Tagged, bagged and wearing my pajamas"

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm already following you:)
