September 09, 2010

Give me a Smile and I'll give you a cookie - Smiley Cookie Review &Giveaway

I had the pleasure of tasting Smiley Cookies..and just by looking at them, what's not to love?

Smiley Cookie Craze
Smiley Cookie offers fresh-made, hand iced sugar cookies with a smile through the mail.  Not only can you order a dozen faces online and have it shipped anywhere, but you can order specialty cookies - whether it's for Halloween, Christmas, baby news, or just because - Smiley Cookie has a million smiles to send.  (And I would eat a million!)

  Eat-N-Park,  a restaurant that is not located anywhere I live, decided that besides offering food - they would start marketing their sugary treats to the world through use of the internet.  SmileyCookie has been generous enough to send me a dozen cookies to sample.  When I heard the news, I waited every day for the mailman to deliver me my sugar fix.  Luckily, I didn't have to wait long - as they shipped out immediately.

Looks-wise: Can we say super cute? I couldn't help but smile when I opened up the bland UPS box, and saw the cookie box decorated in smiles. Yes, I smiled right back.  I quickly opened the cookie container and fixed my eyes on the prize.  The cookie. It was completely cute!

Taste-wise: This sugar cookie can rival other cookies in the store. It tasted yummy, and the icing was just sweet enough! If you are going to send someone a gift of food, why not send them cookies?  Starting at 12.99 for a dozen cookies, you can't beat it!

What I love the most about this company is the variety of how to send a gift!  They have a wide array of gift packages, and one of my favorite design is the Pirate Smiley face.  Arrrrrr-n't you excited?

They also offer cookie gift baskets (umm...hello? who WOULDN'T want that!) for all different occasions. If you are sending someone a gift for a baby, why not send them cookies -and what's neat is the gift package comes with other gifts...The baby boy gift basket not only contains 36 mini (baby!) cookies, but also a bib that says: "I've got the bring the cookies".  How clever!

All in all, Smiley Cookie left me with a full belly and a happy face!

So now that I have gone on and on about these sugary cookies, why not try some for yourself?  Simply sign up for their email club and receive a $5 off coupon.  (you can find the sign up form in the bottom right of their homepage)  Or, you can enter my very first giveaway!!! I am giving away a box of smiley cookies just like the one I received. 

**Required Step** - Follow Smiley Cookies on twitter.  Click here!
 - Follow me (yay!) publicly on Google Friend then post about which Smiley Cookie you like the best!

For additional entries:

  • "like" my blog on facebook
  •  blog about this contest with a link to this post (leave the link to your post)
  • Follow me on Twitter
  • tweet about this giveaway (leave a link to your tweet)
  • Grab my button
 Easy peasy! The contest is open to US residents only, and will run until 11:59 pm on Monday, September 20, 2010.  The winner will be picked by random and announced the following Wednesday.  Good Luck!
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  1. Hi dropping by via Friday blog hop. Make a Friday a day to celebrate work well done that you can be proud of knowing that you just didn't put in time to the next pay check.
    Byron Pulsifer

  2. Sarah - Thanks for posting!! Hope you have a great weekend:)

  3. Thank you for join my blog hop. :-)
    I'm following you now.

  4. I follow smiley cookie on twitter and follow your lovely blog via GFC.
