August 07, 2010

Football madness

When you hear the words Bake Sale, what comes to mind?  Hostess cupcakes wrapped in baggies?  Three oreos in a ziplock bag?  What is this world coming to!?  My interaction with a "booster parent" Thursday night went like this:
Super Cheerful Mom:  Hi there!  We are having our annual car wash and bake sale on Saturday! It should be super fun.  Everyone looooooooves to go!
Me: Oh. Unfortunately, we will be out of town at the shore. (darn! And just what I would rather do then go to the shore - help wash cars in the sweltering heat and eating crappy cookies)
 Super Cheerful Mom: What a bummer!  It is always such a good time.
Me (now feeling guilty): Well, I can definitely bake something and drop it off ahead of time.
Super Cheerful Mom: That would just perrrrfect!  (Then she whispers this) Now, don't go and trouble yourself.  Most of us just buy something at the store - and stick it in a baggie and easy peasy!  You don't have to do any of the work, and you still have stuff for the bake sale!!  fabulous!
Me (scratching my head in confusion): For the Bake sale, most people don't bake? hmmm.....ok! Well, I will see what I can whip up - but thanks for the advice!  
I then walk away not sure if my interaction with the football and cheerleading parents really just took place or not.  

Now, I am not trying to be condescending or rude towards these parents. I would like to be friendly with them, though clearly we differ in our definitions of a bake sale.  The mother WAS extremely polite and definitely tried to make me feel welcomed.  She also didn't want to "trouble" me with making or baking anything.  But she doesn't know me. At all. And if I am participating in a lame-o bake sale for the football, gosh darn it - I AM BAKING.

I decided that I would make football sugar cookies.  I iced them with brown thin icing, and then used white piping to make the lines and laces.  I was SO proud of my work.  We then individually wrapped them, and tied them with white curly ribbon.  Needless to say, when I dropped them off at the woman's house, she was speechless.  As I got back in my car and drove away, I brushed my shoulders off.  
Job well done.  And at least the bake sale with have one cookie actually home baked.  

Sugar Cookie Recipe


  • 1 1/2 cups butter, softened
  • 2 cups white sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 5 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  1. In a large bowl, cream together butter and sugar until smooth. Beat in eggs and vanilla. Stir in the flour, baking powder, and salt. Cover, and chill dough for at least one hour (or overnight).
  2. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Roll out dough on floured surface 1/4 to 1/2 inch thick. Cut into shapes with any cookie cutter. Place cookies 1 inch apart on ungreased cookie sheets.
  3. Bake 6 to 8 minutes in preheated oven. Cool completely.


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