August 08, 2010

Chicken coop

A dear friend of my mine hangs out with some chicks named Blanche, Rose, Dorothy, and Sophia. Chickens of course.  I admit it - I am super jealous. The moment he told me the names of his little friends, I knew I also must own chickens.   Why, you might ask? Well, you are not alone in asking.  When I told my husband - he wanted to know why I would possibly want to own four creatures that peck and eat grains. First, they are odd and interesting creatures. Secondly, lil baby chicks - adorable!  Not to mention fresh eggs would be a total perk each morning.
So for the past few weeks all I have talked about is owning my own little chicken coop filled with my own lil Golden Girls. After looking up information on habitats for chickens, who knew their homes could be so hip?!

Chicken Cribs located in California have an easy DIY kit that you can put together yourself.  It can accommodate four chickens (perfect for my Golden G names!).
This type of house keeps out OTHER animals and seems pretty easy to clean. Therefore, it is the most practical.  However, there are some pretty wacky coops out there!

This particular coop seems like a giant egg, and maybe that is the point? Not sure about that.  I am just not up for the ultra-mod types.   But in my coop searching, I found a whole website deticated to chicken coop plans - Called DIY Chicken Coop Plans (very straightforward with the name!).

My other favorite chicken coop is the Eglu - which apparently was the laughing stock of coops by farmers a few years ago.  But now it seems the popular choice!  It is also pretty reasonable and they have a bunch of different styles depending on your need/space.

The article in Sunset Magazine makes it seem so easy to own your own chickens.  It answers all the questions you might have, like whether or not it is legal, or how to have baby chicks or just eggs to eat.  However, in the end - I believe this is just another fantasy because I feel that owning chickens may make me a farmer.  And for that, I feel I need to improve on our garden.  Which means we need to better our compost pile.  I know my logic seems odd, but I feel without my compost pile and garden, I shouldn't have chickens.  Till then, I will just have to keep my fresh eggs and Golden girls to my dreams.


1 comment:

  1. Wow chicken coops have come along ways. lol Your blog is adorable! Signed up as a new follower. Found you on the frog. When you get a chance please check out our blogs.
    ~Carol & Stacy
