June 17, 2008

Where have I been?

Last week was a crazy time - finishing finals and grading....and the weekend was a time of rest/caos. I start work again tomorrow (Summer School!) so this post is deticated to children. I will be teaching four precious 4/5 year old boys with severe disabilities - 3/4 of the class have no speech - it will be, at the very least, a quiet experience! :) I am excited, yet nervous.

I LOVE European toys - I grew up on Ravenburger games. Still, to this day, they are my favorite. I feel they are well designed and fun. They are timeless.

My favorite recent toy company is HABA. Currently, I am obbessed with the knight theme - for anything. I love this game - Castle Knights. I think cooperative games are most important - it's not always about winning!
Quack Quack is cute enough to hold its own! The pieces all fit inside a drawstring bag, so this game can go anywhere with you. By the company Blue Orange , wooden games seem to be their thing
This strategy game is supposed to improve brainpower - which is something I could definitely use :) Pixel is a game that offers fun right away. The directions are not difficult, and up to four people can play. I feel this is alot like another game I used to play when I was younger....but the name escapes me!

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