June 10, 2008

Tuesday: A detication to two great items - PB and Cheese

Yesterday was SO hot, I didn't touch my computer at all. As soon as I got home from work, I plopped next to the air conditioning unit, turned it on high - and curled up and went to sleep. Heat makes me so tired!

Alas, today I am at work, with alot to do - but I need to write. Writing unrelated to grading, exams, students.

This weekend, Mr and I went into the city and ate peanut butter. We drove (not far) but paid a whole lot in parking - $50- to eat PB. And I loved every minute. We went to Peanut Butter Company - they have, hands down the best sandwiches you could ask for. If you are a fan of Peanut buttery goodness, this is definitely a must stop.

I had the Peanut Butter Cup - ground peanut butter kissed by a chocolately layer of Nutella. OMG Mr. had one of their sandwiches of the week. Which could only be described as something I never had before....and I don't know how I went on this long without experiencing such a taste.

So I found a recipe for Vanilla Cream Cheese. Make this. Spread PB and Apples over a bagel with vanilla cream cheese - and TA-DA! You have made yourself something amazing. Magic in your mouth.
Other options for peanut butter:

Make Grilled Cheese and Spread PB over it. (this is where my love for cheese reaches a new high)
Moving onto Grilled CHeese recipes...

The PopShop in South Jersey has over 30 different types of grilled cheese sandwiches...

and after salivating over their menu online...my favorite must be: Laurel. and for one reason only - pulled pork. *sigh*

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