January 09, 2017

Five Love Languages of Children

Who knew there was an actual love language? When I think of how I let my kids know I love them, I think of the words I say or the hugs I give.  Some kids, however, do not thrive just on hugs and words.  Gary D. Chapman analyzes the way kids receive love in his book, "The Five Love Languages of Children." Published by Moody Publishing, Gary Chapman has a collection of books that explain the different love languages pertaining to children, teenagers and in marriage.  

Much like the first book, "The Five Love Languages", Gary D. Chapman reviews the five ways
 children receive love. They explain how to identify your child's primary love language and
 provides countless examples of how to speak using this love language based on different ages.
 Having children in range of 0-17, I found this so interesting. There was also guidance in how to 
differently discipline children based on their love language.

Broken into five types, children fall into: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Physical Touch, 
Quality Time, and Gifts. 

I immediately realized I wasn't meeting my sons' different love languages, as I always
 assumed words of affirmation worked on all three of them. I realize it's more than just 
telling them they are doing a great job, or I am proud of them. In addition to these kind 
words, a small gesture like a hand on the back, or holding hands while watching TV seem
 to put my youngest at ease. Whereas my eldest son thrives with acts of service, and my middle 
with time spent.  He loves to help and assist, and as long as I let him or give
 him tasks, he realizes how much I appreciate him and care.

I absolutely love this series, and would recommend any parent to read this book.

Please let me know if you have read his other books, and what you thought! 


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