July 07, 2013

Sitting on the Dock of the Bay Watching the Tide

This summer, one of my role models will turn 80. Appearances alone will tell you age ain't nothing but a number, because she is nothing like how I picture 80 year old women.  She is lively, funny, and has the kindest heart I know of any person in the world. It is her impeccable handwriting, that I will forever have on my arm as a reminder how to live life. Wherever you go, go with all your heart.  That is exactly what she does - goes everywhere with her heart.

The season that most reminds me of my grandmother is summer. The salty sea breeze, the warm sand between my toes, and the ocean lapping at my feet remind me of my summers spent at the beach with my entire family - specifically my grandmother.  Her love of the shore was apparent as she often was only a tiny blip in the ocean as she bobbed along the waves for hours.  Even as a kid, I knew I wanted to be her when I grew up.

She will turn 80 in August, our family decided to put together a scrapbook.  Each person gets to design a page dedicated to this woman who brought seven children into this bright and beautiful world, which subsequently brought us, the grandchildren, into the same life.

I have two weeks to think of a way to write my heart on a page, but words don't seem to be enough. How do you wrap up how much you love and respect someone on a single scrapbooking page? How can I let her know how much she has taught me - not just how to play Backgammon, but how to love fearlessly, how to love heartily, and how to laugh even when it seems difficult. She seems to see the good in most, and when she doesn't, her humor takes over.  She comes from a generation of where women take the backseat to men - but she stands on her own. Independent and lively, she takes yoga, line dancing, and meets with her ladies to play tennis. Even through hardship and trials, these moments have not taken her spirit - but perhaps made it stronger.   She is who I continue to want to be.

Happy Birthday Grandma - a little early because you deserve the happiness.



  1. I am so glad you visited my blog today because now I know that you have one! I'm sure whatever you write will be perfect. I know that feeling of thinking words aren't enough for the love you feel. This post alone is a wonderful "card." Has she seen it?

  2. What an adorable post and what a tremendous blessing to have someone like that in your life!!
