July 02, 2013

Last Summer's Conquest

I find myself obsessed with Pinterest - so much in fact, I have only allowed myself the hour before bed to look through the countless pages of recipes, crafts, home decor because I could literally waste away my entire day.
I saw a  fantastic piece of furniture - a cable spool table that I HAD TO HAVE.  It was my personal quest last summer. After researching how to obtain one without stealing it from a cable company, I posted my plea on Facebook, and a friend had in their garage, just taking up space :) They, too, had plans to make furniture out of it but life got in the way. She was happy to see it going to someone who would make it into a piece of love. Success! Who said social media was a waste of time? Not me! I picked it up, free of charge, and hauled it home.
It was a bit taller than I expected, but I didn't care - soon I would have my own spool table to organize some of my books.

We sanded the table top down, and I painted it white.  

After painting, Mr. screwed on caster wheels on the bottom.  Though I don't have any intentions of pushing it around, it added a little industrial flair (or made it easier if I wanted to push it around:) 

We had our security dog sit watch, or sit and sleep. Wherever we told P NOT to sit, that's exactly where she planted herself. Crafty lil dog. 

I hemmed and hawed over whether the table was too high. Before putting the spindles on, we put it in the spot in the dining room. It was actually above the chair - not really good for a side table, as it came up to your chest in the chair.   But Mr. said it wouldn't be a big deal to disassemble it, and cut the middle planks. Well, I think if he realizes it would take three people to hold the sides together , I don't think he would have volunteered. He took apart the boards and cut off about six inches.    The biggest challenge was putting it back together! After a few grunts and curses, we were able to place the top back on.    
  We wheeled it in the dining room and Voolah! I couldn't fill it with books faster!
It looked better than I could imagine!

I placed my aloe plant (yes, it's still alive!), one of my favorite games- Mancala, and a picture of Little. An afternoon of sawing and painting, and I couldn't be happier! 

Total cost: $16
We got the spool for free and used old white paint from trim.
At Home Depot, we bought 4 caster wheels for $12 and two 6 foot long dowels for $4.


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