July 05, 2012

30 Day Challenge

It's official - I'm gyming it....well I'm kind of gymming it...I'm thinking about it....the inner workings of working out. I swear this isn't me attempting to procrastinate.  Really, why would I want to put off going to the gym? Picturing myself in stretch pants that are probably too small? Becoming a hot sweaty mess within the first five minutes of running(err...walking on the dreadmill. (that isn't a typo)? Sounds like fun! But in all seriousness, there are a few good reasons why I really need to start doing some physical activity. With those reasons in mind, I spent last night creating the 30 Day Challenge. After searching high and low through all the different types of challenges available (Fitness mag, Evernote, Harry Potter's challenge- the list goes on and on), I knew the only way to success was if I created my own.  After spending the last month watching what I ate, and only seeing maybe 5 pounds fall off....I know the next logical step is actual workout to gain a healthier life.  I need to make a change, and since I am kinda obsessed with lists and charts - I spent a good portion of my July 4th evening creating a 30 day challenge to help me get closer to my goal.  And if I wasn't motivated enough....Anthropologie helped a little.

 After 5 weeks of going through my self-designed "challenge" and if I actually stick with it,  I am buying this beautiful bird dress from Anthropologie as my reward for sticking with my plan.  A-dorable! I am hoping that with the five week challenge, I will be able to fit into this dress :)

I found when I was attending the regular gym, I didn't like not knowing if I was progressing or not.  In college, the gym I attended had a filing cabinet and you recorded your process on a chart.  However, I have yet to find a place that matches that system.  I had to take it into my own hands.  I found fitbook.  The fitbook by fitlosophy is a handy dandy organizer for the gym.  It neatly tracks your progress for 12 weeks (roughly 3 months).   What I like most about it is the size.  Measuring in at 5 inches, it is small enough to tote around with you, without feeling weighed down.

Hopefully this will be how I start each summer morn!

To start my challenge I am going to do the following for one week (at least 3x), and go from there. I currently do not belong to a gym for various reasons.  Before last week, no gym was open when I got home from work (after 11pm and before 6am) and frankly I didn't fit it into our summer budget.  Therefore, working out needs to be freeeeee - not $40-20  month.

Will post more when I figure out the details of my plan :) Till then, happy workout!

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