January 28, 2011

Cake Pops

After Christmas and the book hub bub of the holidays, I have so much to write about but I feel like not enough time.  My aunt made Cake pops  for Halloween, and they came out so stinking cute! Halloween,  you might ask?! Is she really posting about Halloween NOW? In January?  Is she off her rocker?   Yes...I might be....
But Cake pops. Back to business.  They are the cutest thing.  Now there is a whole book dedicated to these little perfect desserts.  I realize that the cookbook has been out for awhile, but I was just able to get my hands on the written word...and my my my. I have fallen in love with yet again, another book.

Here is what my aunt made for our Halloween party a few months ago.  Didn't they come out great?  She used sand pails to stick the pops in - and it made a fantastic center piece....

Perhaps next Halloween I will post about our great ideas around the general month of the holidays....till then - perhaps this will hold you over.   Till then, sink your teeth into these cutie petuties - and imagine what Valentine's Day cake pops you can make!  Or would you believe these are Valentine's Day cake pops - just made by someone who is jaded and hates the pink and white holiday?  Maybe they felt orange and black matched their mood better? (no...you're not buyin it...)


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