October 19, 2010

Thank you Mister

Since I don't get to talk to my husband till we both get home from work, and sometimes that isn't until 7p.m. or later - I thought I would tell him thanks on my blog.
I had the BEST sandwich for lunch today. Yes - it is only 8:26a.m. and I already scarfed down my sandwich, but a girl's gotta eat!   I find that with my schedule, I can eat either at 8:15  or 2pm.  Doesn't leave me with any options....so I usually opt to have a lunchy breakfast. 
Last night, Mr. was taking requests of what he should make for lunch today. I was craving tuna on whole wheat toasted.  However, early this morning, he realized we didn't have tuna OR whole wheat.  What's a man to do?  That's right! He took  matters into his own hands and created the best wrap I have ever had this side of the river (mmm...what river? idk but its a phrase I think).

Cranberry Chicken Lettuce Wrap

He took chunks of chicken and mixed crasins,  mayo and celery.   Then he spread it over leaves of lettuce and wrapped it up like a gift.  It was delicious!!!

So the picture doesn't really do the sandwich justice, as now that I look at it, it resembles cat food...gross. I will wag my finger at my phone, because it doesn't take the best pictures...or maybe its the fabulous lighting at my work....But regardless you will have to trust me that it was delicious!!  


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the great blog. I'm gald you liked the first one you might be sick of it at the weeks end. I made alot of it ;) Love you wifey
