October 06, 2010

Please Read Family and Husband

This is slightly a selfish blog entry...but an informative one at that.

Dear Husband, 
Because I care about your well-being and always thinking of ways to make your life easier, I have attached an abbreviated version of my Christmas would-likes for this year for your perusal. I restrained myself from buying ANYTHING and decided to wait for birthdays and holidays.  I know how much you like to plan ahead, so I thought I would take this time to give you some ideas for the upcoming holiday season.  My abbreviated Christmas list below will help me get ideas and creative juices flowing for my blog and assist me in the bloggy world. 

You can print out my blog and make it into a book.  I would love this.  Just sayin! 

This would expand my crafting that much more....how wonderful, right?!

3.  Book Lover's AND Cupcake Daily Page a Day Calendar.
A girl's gotta have some inspiration!

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I know you will rush right out and purchase my 3 (technically 4) items because you are that diligent.  

1 comment:

  1. that's not a bad list at all...he should def. give u those no prob!:)
