September 03, 2010

My life is a green door

My life is on a door. Literally. The green door in our kitchen leads to our basement.  On the inside of the door contains our calendar, cleaning schedule, Little's chores, and now the latest edition of my crafty endeavors.  Today was the first day I used Mod Podge.  (Some may be shocked by this statement). Yes, I have never used mod podge before.  It seems that all the papers from school come home and then POOF. I don't know where they go!  Tonight over 10 different announcements came home, and I decided enough was enough! Last year I put the papers in a folder, but then  neglected to look at the folder (oops!)

After picking out "sport" paper from Michaels, and looking high and low for a plain clipboard - I figured out my project for the evening.

  I to mod podged (I just love saying that!) the clipboard with the sports paper and then let it dry for 20 minutes - actually more like 10 minutes because it was so hot in my house, it dried fast.  I was a little worried at first because I didn't know if my streaks of white m.p. would turn clear!
Let's hear it for Mod Podge!!

I  hung it on our organized door.  This would be next to the calendar, cleaning schedule, Little's star chore chart.  Therefore, it would be right where we look everyday! 



  1. That is a good idea! My oldest daughter started school this year and all those papers are getting lost. I love how you have everything hanging on your door. I am going to have to steal that idea for my house :)

  2. Wow, there is some serious organizational activity going on behind that green door! I keep all everything in Mommy's Big Binder of Crap for Everyone to Do! hehe
