August 05, 2010


You should never, under any circumstance, look through food blogs when you forgot your lunch at home. I just keep thinking about what I could be eating, as I scroll through the flank steak, sausage rolls, and burger recipes.

Father's Day is approaching and I really would like to have my parents over for dinner - or at least for lunch.

I have the menu picked out, though it isn't really tailored to my dad, but more my mom. She would LOVE this menu.

I found Bruschetta Burgers. YUM!
Found on the Cooking Photographer, this recipe sounds so yummy.

I plan on using regular hamburgers, but then adding the topping below.
Bruschetta topping1 or 2 ripe tomatoes
1 clove garlic, minced
Palmful of chopped fresh basil
Palmful of chopped fresh Italian parsley
1/4th cup grated Pecorino Romano cheese
1 Tablespoon basil or regular olive oil
Salt & fresh cracked pepper

Mix all the ingredients together except salt. Add salt right before topping the burgers so the tomatoes don’t get watery. Set aside.

Sounds good?  Can't wait to find out!!!


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