June 29, 2010

Shiver Me Timbers

The idea of a party tickles me pink. I love the thought of having a themed party. Today, I think all my ideas have been wrapped up in someone's blog.   Under the Table and Dreaming posted about her son's pirate party. After my own heart!!  I love all the little touches and the cupcakes are completely and utterly ADORABLE!  I believe she made them herself. When I showed Mr, he said that I could do that if I had all the time in the world - he is right, I have enough trouble doing my laundry, let alone making and decorating little pirate booty cupcakes. 
These cupcakes she decorated using fondant, something I am not too familiar with yet.  But after looking these over, I think I might have to try it out!

After checking out her website a bit more, she also fancied a Carnival party - seriously, I believe this woman may be my new hero. 

Check out her site and see what fun and creative ideas she has come up with!


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