May 10, 2010

One Woman's Quest to prove her husband wrong

My husband thinks I am a slow poke reader (he really doesn't think that, because it would be a big fat lie), but he is under the impression that it will take me 2 years to read 100 books. I dare to take on this challenge. After looking through Amazon (my most favorite of all websites because I have countless wish lists with thousands of books), and am welcomed with open arms back to the library (because yes, indeed, I had a hefty fine to pay again. yes. again), I decided that I need to read with a purpose. My purpose is to tackle all the books on the NY Times Best Seller's List of 2009. As quoted by Amazon, "The editors of The New York Times Book Review have announced their choices for the 100 Notable Books of the year. "
After reading this, I said enthusiastically,"Gee I wonder how long it will take." To which my husband, looking pessimistic, said it will take me over two years. HA. That is all I have to say to that.

He is sitting next to me as I type this, upset that I am even bothering to type out our very short conversation. He worries that it will appear he doesn't support me in my goal -which couldn't be farther from the truth. Two years, however, seems so long! I don't really see it taking me that long. So to disprove his time table, I am making sure I start soon.

So tomorrow, I am marching to the library, and taking out my first book.

Amateur Barbarians by Robert Cohen.

Any thoughts?


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