April 21, 2010

New dream

I have decided that my next step in life after my teaching thing has run its course (and that could be thirty years from now), I would like to do TWO things.

Open up a coffee shop. I have the details planned (minus how I will fund my dream) The name, the style, the colors, the menu - all picked out. I also have the fictitious town (think Gilmore Girls mixed with Eastwick). I have already started looking for props for my shop - but of course NOT buying them (because that would be plain silly. of course.) I would love to have a patio/porch attached to my building, with vintage furniture. Think eclectic. I would like to have theme nights,with board games and fun for all :) I have no pictures of course because all the designs are in my head.... I realize in this day and age, the thought of opening your own business and actually being successful is daunting. Till then, I will dream.

Secondly, open up a consignment/bookstore. How fun! In a perfect world, my successful businesses would be neighbors. So if you were shopping and suddenly had urge for a frozen coffee treat - yippee! You can get it.
I would love to display the crafty items I will be crafting ( I wanted to see how many times I could use that word in a sentence!)

Till these fantasies become a reality, I will continue slaving away teaching our future in humid, damp, and sweat-reeking conditions. (If you didn't guess, I teach in a high school and yes. without air conditioning. )

Always dreaming.


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