April 29, 2010

May Goals

I fell off the Goal Wagon during the months of March and April. I reined it in, and hopefully will accomplish some of my lofty goals this month. Since I never posted about my accomplishments for February, I did the following:

YAY! Goal #1 Organize ALL my craft items, including what is in our basement and bedroom. It needs to all go in one spot. YES - I did this. I now have a Craft Closet! wahoooooo. Now I just need to put it to some good use.

BOO Goal #2. Walk twice a week. ----- I have not completed this at all.

YAY! Goal #3. Make and mail valentines. Half of this was complete. I mailed out valentines, but I did not make them.

YAY! Goal #4. Organize books and magazines. ALL my magazines are gone. They are finito.

HALF yay! Goal #5. Organize basement. It WAS organized in February, but not so much now......

BOO Goal #6. Tell my husband that he is great. I am ashamed that I didn't do this enough.

Goals for MAY?? UGH. I don't think I can even put that pressure on myself now to formulate goals, though I should have little to no excuse as I didn't post anything for March or April. So here it goes...May:

1. I would like to write a budget and stick to it.

2. I would like to organize our closet.

3. Sell Jetta.

4. Re-Clean basement.

5. Hold a garage sale and weed through the garage!!

I think that is enough for now. Maybe it's just the day, but all my tasks seem overwhelming and daunting....

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