March 18, 2010

Bake Me Pretty and Sweet

At work, there is a long list of things I should be doing. Key word - should. Instead, I am finding topics to blog about...all of which leave me feeling hungry or pained because I lack the finances to purchase all my findings.

To add to my themed "Tea Party" un-birthday, I have found Teacupcakes. They are adorable. The only problem I find is that the package comes in four, which wouldn't be enough for a party - you would need to spend hundred of dollars to buy enough to make tea with your dozen cupcakes. Nonetheless, this just may be my next purchase.

My new favorite website is Bake It Pretty - and if I could quit my day job (though I love teaching!) and run off to be a baker's assistant, I don't think I would hesitant (too much!).

My favorite Easter items from this website are the following:

How cute!!!!!Though I am a little late in ordering these items, I think they would have been super adorable! Oh well, there is always next year!

Happy Spring! Happy Easter!


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