February 12, 2010

Displays of Affection

This is the big weekend for lovers. Or so they think...really every weekend should be a weekend for lovers, not just the 14th of the second month of the year.

I fall in love with the holidays - and Valentine's Day is no exception. But I feel there is added pressure on relationships to do something "romantic". I fall right into that category, because my parting words to my dear husband this AM was something along the lines of "I hope you have something roMANtic planned for tonight or Sunday..because this IS our first Valentine's day as husband and wife." humph. Didn't leave much choice for the poor guy. And why is that? I want to feel romanced. I want to be swept off my feet from our everyday life. And while the rest of the world is celebrating, I want to feel special. Though really, I should feel that way everyday....but sometimes our everyday lives get the best of us - and we forget to say simple words. Like I love you. You look lovely. Thank you.

So on this day, much like every other day in the year, I say this "Be Bold. Be romantic. But be that way all year long. Not just on the 14th. "

Ten ways to show your affection when your wallet is empty:

1. Leave a note under her/his windshield wiper at work.
2. Pack "I love you" notes in her suitcase or lunchbox.
3. Complain less, compliement more. (Gee I should follow my own advice)
4. Wake up every morning fifteen minutes early to cuddle with each other.
5. Make breakfast in bed.
6. Start a journal of your thoughts and present it to your love. Perhaps write letters back and forth to each other. (I can not take credit for this idea, as it was my husband who suggested it)**
7. Make a list of 100 reasons why you love your wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend.
8. Create a jar filled with "Love Coupons." Make the coupons redeemable for hugs, kisses, back rubs or any number of special favors. Give the jar to your lover and let him/her redeem the coupons over time.
9. Read a book together (My husband and I do this, but it always puts me to sleep. I find it fabulous...not sure about his feelings!)
10. Make a mix cd...this NEVER gets old for me!! I think I will forever have every mixed cd/cassette tape ever made for me because I admire the work it takes to put it together.

Hope this list helps you a bit come up with ways to show your sweetie how you feel. It doesn't take jewelry, flowers, or fancy dinners to display your affection. (Though it never hurts!) It just takes some time and creativity. On that note my friends, have a wonderful Valentine's Day!


1 comment:

  1. I want you to know that I e-mailed this post to my boyfriend! You have some great ideas here :)
