January 07, 2010

Goals for Year

New Years Resolutions vs. Goals

After much thinking, I really like to set a goal - a focus on what this year will bring. So far this year has brought my motivation at work and a terrible cold. I have been sick all week. In fact, I feel worse and worse each day. However, I am not letting that stop me! This is what I would like to tackle by the end of 2010.

Send thank you cards for all gifts received- This is something you learn (or SHOULD learn as a child), to always say thank you. Sometimes, time gets the best of you - and thank you cards fall by the wayside. I am going to try my darnest to show my appreciation.

Improve blog - That is in the works!!

Become debt free from credit cards - I realize this may not take just one year, but I would like to end the year, and say I accomplished atleast ridding myself of one credit card.

Read 100 books of my choosing- Each and every day I read a book. Some people do not have that luxury. However, the books are not of my choosing, due to the fact I must follow a curriculum, and not everyone wants to reread Macbeth 5 times a year.

Lose weight - I won't say any specific number, but I plan on shedding some major poundage. That leads me to my next goal.

Take an aerobics class

Document life/the year in a scrapbook, daily activities photos etc. celebrate the year through visual art journaling.

Become more proficient with digital camera and taking better photographs-somewhat.

Completely organize office and creative space-

Hand make Christmas presents (at least half of the gifts I give)

Use only fabric bags when shopping

Plan weekly menu’s and stick to them!!

Restart dates with husband - I miss "our" time together, and I had so much fun planning out ABC dates - Hopefully, in the new year, we will be able to bring it back.

It's a hefty list for 2010, but so far, I am off to a fabulous start (minus the sniffles and cough). If I achieve HALF of this list, I will be more than thrilled :)


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