January 05, 2010

Bags of Organization

The mail comes in....and the mail should go out. However, it gets lost in the madness of our home. How do we solve this problem? Since Mr. is against my plastic bag organization - I stumbled upon a pattern for mail sorting. I love it. The problem is where in the world will we hang this project?
I love where they hung this too. the back of the door! It is functional yet not in the way! perfect-o. Now, how to create it? I can not take any credit for this creation, but I can tell you where I found it. Bright and Blithe has the tutorial, which is pretty straight forward. As soon as I rescue my sewing machine from the pitfalls of our bedroom, I will definitely get started on this wonderful bit of organization.

Hopefully soon I will be able to post pics of my own mail sorter, till then it will have to suffice looking up photos of other people's completed projects!

My only other bit of longing stems from my need to organize our gift cards and coupons. I had a paper "coupon" holder, yet after a few wears and tears, it did just that. It wore. It tore. And all my gift cards slipped out all over the floor :(

I would pay a pretty penny (and maybe a not so pretty penny) to have something that clearly organizes our cards/coupons. I have seen two different types on Etsy that I simply love.
I sew on Etsy has the cutest coupon holders, and they actually seem pretty darn sturdy! They come either already made ($32), or she also offer the sewing pattern for an easy payment of nine dollars! That isn't too shabby!

With these two ideas on my hands, I am hoping I can wipe the dust off of my sewing machine, and get right to work! Happy organizing!!


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