January 30, 2011

Happy Birthday weekend!

Just wanted to say Happy 30th Birthday to my best friend~ Love you Julie!

Currently, my bff and her hubby are in Africa on a mission trip.  Mr. and I were lucky enough to see them off in September! 
 I'm so happy for her and all the new experiences she is gaining, and the peoples' lives she is changing.  
Hope you have an amazing day and wish you all the love in the world!  
Can't wait to see you in June!


2 hearts about my post:

Anonymous said...

I hope she has a wonderful day!

Jules said...

Thanks Kara for your wishes and encouragement!! So happy you and the "Mr." were able to drive us to our take off point in October. Without you, and your awesome green umbrella, I would have gotten soaked a few too many times already during rainy season! Thanks for your friendship AND generosity. :) Miss you bunches!!